Blitz (517/640)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:21 Sep 99 at 10:26:25
Subject:Re: Graphic Scaling

Hello Curt
> Hi Everybody,
> I've attached the beginnings of my current project for testing. I'd
> especially like to know if it works on GFX cards.

Dunno about that, haven`t got one.

> It loads pictures using Leigh Perry's datatype functions, then sends them
> to a WB window where you can resize them in various ways.

It`s very nice! VERY NICE!

> You'll need ReqTools, OS 3, and datatypes installed for the images you
> want to load.

One thing I will say is that it`s VERY fast. :)

> Thanks...
> Later...

Rob, | #ICQ:# 27181384 | #FAX:# 0870 0888470
#PROJECT INFO:# Minimum Safe Distance [####------ 45% ish complete. ]
[ Ura Redneck if You OWN a Monster Truck. ]

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